Critical Times: Interventions in Global Critical Theory, a project of the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs, is a peer reviewed open access journal published by Duke University Press. The journal foregrounds forms of critical theory articulated in different regions of the world with the aim of fostering cross-regional intellectual exchange. Critical Times seeks to reflect on and facilitate the work of transnational intellectual networks that draw upon critical theory and political practice across various world regions. Calling into question hemispheric epistemologies in order to revitalize left critical thought for these times, the journal publishes essays, interviews, dialogues, dispatches, visual art, and various platforms for critical reflection, engaging with social and political theory, literature, philosophy, art criticism, and other fields within the humanities and social sciences.

Critical Times stages encounters between canonical critical theory and various traditions of critique emerging from other historical legacies, seeking to highlight the multiple forms that critical thought takes today. The journal hopes to redress missed opportunities for critical dialogue between the Global South and Global North and to generate contacts across current divisions of knowledge and languages. Critical Times includes translated works from authors writing in languages other than English whose work may not circulate widely in the Western academy. We encourage various formats for articles and essays from different regional and intellectual traditions, and we welcome contributions that attend to historical conditions with the aim of grasping their complexity and identifying sites of potential transformation.

Critical Times seeks to publish texts that shed light on contemporary practices of authoritarian and neo-fascist politics, nativist and atavistic cultural formations, and forms of economic exclusion, as well as spaces and forms of life where emancipatory social worlds might be imagined, articulated, and pursued. Hence, our aim is to publish essays that analyze emerging forms of authoritarianism and fascism; occupation, colonialism and dispossession; race and racism; war and apartheid; neoliberal legal and economic formations; sovereignty and post-national power; articulations of memory and justice; law and violence; borders, migration and refugees; technology and politics; nature, climate change, and environmental justice; bio- and necropolitics; religion and secularism; the intellectual work of social movements and contemporary challenges to the university;  socialism and ideals of transformation, equality, resistance, transnational solidarity, radical democracy, civil disobedience, and revolution.