Critical Times 7:2
Vol. 2, No. 2 (2019)
This issue of Critical Times features a special section on relations beyond colonial borders. Assembling interventions from scholars, activists, poets, and artists, it asks how we can think movement and inhabitation without reproducing the political and legal frameworks that the modern border regime solidifies. Contributions to the issue also include a critical reading of Peter Sloterdijk’s philosophical spherology, a critical phenomenology of collective memory, a set of theoretical reflections on recent claims that we are witnessing neoliberalism’s “end,” and a novel reading of Palestinian resistance as a “formless” anticoncept.
Special Section
Relations Beyond Colonial Borders
Natalia Brizuela, Samera Esmeir, Alyosha Goldstein, and Rebecca Schreiber
Mark Minch-de Leon
Leti Volpp
Alexandra Délano Alonso
Bernadine Marie Hernández
Dani Zelko
Translated by Jen Hofer
Nellie Jo David, Alyosha Goldstein, and Rebecca Schreiber
Scholarly Essays
Christian Sorace
Lisa Guenther
Neil Vallelly
Abdaljawad Omar
Artistic Intervention
Curatorial Statement
Chris Cristóbal Chan
Figure 5. ZHENG Bo, Still from Pteridophilia 5, 2021. Video (4K, color, sound), 10 min. Supported by Liverpool Biennial 2021.